September 7, 2017
When your husband decides to re-do the kitchen cabinets during the busiest week of the summer, you just nod and politely say, what in the h-e-double hockey sticks is wrong with you, boy? I really do appreciate his hard work, it’s just really hard to live in a construction zone. Let alone try to eat […]
August 29, 2017
Until I see snow on the ground I will continue making smoothie bowls. I LOVE fall and everything that comes with it. I feel it in the air lately and soon smoothies will be a thing of the past. This smoothie bowl is loaded with sweet fruit to wake you right up and alongside cauliflower […]
August 9, 2017
HELLO, YOU. YOU’RE SO GREAT AND I AM SO HAPPY YOU’RE HERE!!! If that felt aggressive, it’s because it most definitely was. I’m bringing you a delicious breakfast that will have you starting your day with a bang, girlfriend. I’m talking oats, chia seeds, almond butter, almond milk, cinnamon. I mean, come on? How can […]
August 2, 2017
I know what you’re thinking. “Kaitlyn, weren’t you the one that said putting smoothies in a bowl just doens’t make sense?” YES, okay. I did and maybe I still do believe that but hear me out. When I spend all my time drinking liquids I feel as if I’m depriving myself, leaving me on a […]
May 8, 2017
A Monday morning smoothie bowl, Jesus and a Nespresso latte. I can’t think of many things better than that. I never really understood the point of Acai Bowls. Why are we eating smoothies with a spoon? Well here I am, eating a smoothie with a spoon, and I like it. This smoothie bowl doesn’t have Acai, […]