Living a healthy lifestyle can sometimes feel like an all or nothing rollercoaster. We’ve allowed ourselves to think that we can’t enjoy our favorite food, or a happy-hour without feeling like we’ll lose the progress we already made, or worse, never make any progress at all. Balance can be a tricky thing to master. As […]
June 10, 2019
Doesn’t it seem that everyone knows everything about health and fitness? I go online and a flood of different information comes my way. I share my approach briefly on my Instagram, less now than before, but I think it’s important to share my heart behind what I do, why I do it and how I […]
October 30, 2018
*Google Search: How to Blog? March 11, 2017 – Bachelor Farmers Cafe 3 days after blog launch “20 websites, 3 cups of coffee, and 1 confused mind later. I still have no idea what I’m doing. Turns out blogging isn’t sitting at a coffee shop for hours at a time. Writing and taking photos of […]
March 8, 2018
I am all about balance with everything in life! I think to deprive yourself of the foods you love is the wrong approach to health and fitness. I really believe all things in moderation! No one is perfect, including myself and boy was that clear when I visited Jon’s family in Wisconsin. We had SO […]
August 30, 2017
We can’t be sure but the word fear is one of the ugliest words in the dictionary. Your self worth is strong and your fear is not real. We are made to shy away from anything scary or uncomfortable. It’s not your fault, that’s how our minds work. The mind is there to give instincts and one […]
April 4, 2017
Why do you workout? Is it so you can know how to live a healthy lifestyle. Has anyone ever asked you this question before? Have you asked yourself this question? It seems like a strange thing to ask. Isn’t it obvious? You might be surprised when you dig a little deeper as to why you […]
March 16, 2017