April 4, 2017
We can’t be sure but the word fear is one of the ugliest words in the dictionary. Your self worth is strong and your fear is not real.
We are made to shy away from anything scary or uncomfortable. It’s not your fault, that’s how our minds work. The mind is there to give instincts and one of those instincts is protection. Anything that could possible harm us or put us in a scary situation, immediately sends a signal to the brain, to stop.
Often times, those scary situations are exactly what we should do. Not always, like, don’t jump off a bridge because your friend dared you to, but other things like, saying I love you, or quitting school. Our hearts are telling us to do them, but our instinct to protect us from getting hurt immediately tells us otherwise.
Overcoming fear is one of the biggest struggles I’ve faced. The “what if’s” in life.
A little over two years ago, I dropped out of college and moved to Minneapolis. Being invested in school was never their and I never wanted to go to college in the first place, but I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to meet new people. It’s was just the next step in life, right? That bit of worry that comes across, would I be seen as a failure if I didn’t go.
When people tell me what to do, more times than not, I just don’t do it. So you can imagine how school was my living nightmare. Having a very short attention span and I felt like I was wasting years of my life sitting in a classroom. Switching my major 3 times, and having no ambition to study, and no idea what I wanted to do with my career.
People would ask me what I wanted to do for a living. My answer was always the same,
“I don’t know, help people somehow.”
Their response,
“Oh, Okay.”
It was always in my heart to leave, I knew there was something more to my life than what I was doing and so much more for me in another city. Having no idea what it was, but I just knew. I knew that a degree wouldn’t make me better than anyone, it wouldn’t guarantee me a job, it also wouldn’t define my capabilities.
Moving to Minneapolis, I had no money to my name, no job, my relationships were falling apart with my boyfriend and friends. There was a point I felt all alone and for a moment I thought, dang, I really should have stayed in college.
My parents always supported me and encouraged me to make the changes necessary to be happy. That’s the only reason I felt good about my decision to keep going.
Which happened to be Minneapolis Fit Body Bootcamp. (and no, Jon did not hire me :)). Accepting the roll as administrative assistant and started the next day. Wake up call at 4 a.m. every morning, an afternoon break and right back in the evening.
It was needed to have that uncomfortable and unfamiliar situation to keep me going. I fell in love with my job. Spending more time with people and I found that they looked to me for advice and encouragement.
It’s extremely fulfilling to spend my time serving others and listening to them when they need someone to talk to.
Finally a sense of things were starting to fall into place.
A couple weeks into my new job, I woke up one morning, and God told me to break up with my boyfriend, one of the only people I knew in Minneapolis. I was like, “are you nuts, homie?” I had so much fear, why would He be telling me to leave someone I loved?
Why is he trying to make this transition to Minneapolis harder for me?!?!? I ignored Him, until I couldn’t ignore Him anymore.
Weeks later, I broke up with my boyfriend of two years and at the time I had no idea what I was doing.
Do you want to know my answer when he asked me why I was breaking up with him?
Putting my faith in knowing it was the right thing to do. I listened and gave my worry and my fears to God. I gave Him all that was scaring me and I trusted that during this loss I would be brought something even greater.
It was not always easy to put my faith into a situation I didn’t even understand. Still, I put my trust in Him and followed my heart.
All because I let go of this fear that was holding me back and ever since then my life has been immeasurably better.
Has fear ever controlled you or a situation in your life?
Making the first move towards a better life for yourself is not always fun or easy but I promise you that giving your fears to God will open so many more doors for you and opportunities you never thought possible.
It’s stupid and it’s there to try and ruin your fun and take your happiness and take your goals away.
I for one, am not cool with that.
I know that there are some of you reading this that have fear in the back of your mind, or a doubt about yourself and your capabilities.
Let me be here to tell you that you can overcome those fears and if you feel strongly enough about something, there’s a reason for that. Don’t sell yourself short. Have faith in your every day that God is working in you.
How to overcome fear, doubt and uncertainty so you can be more bold and confident. This project is here to challenge you both mentally and physically in just 6-weeks
(by the way, Jesus is my friend aka my homie and because we’re friends that’s how we communicate. He’s your friend, too. :))
all my love,
Love this post so much! You’re a wise young woman!
I learned from the best!
So well put, and I see this in some of my granddaughters, life can be scary in that big world out there, will have to share this with them. sounds like you made some very good decisions.
Thank you! & thank you for sharing 🙂
” Your Dreams must be greater than your Fears ! “