October 9, 2018
OH, BABY! Fit Freedom Planners are here! I have hand created three PDF planners to help simplify your goals and vision for what you want with your health, fitness, and daily habits. You can download apps such as “PDFelement” or “Write on PDF” for Android users and “Files” or “Dropbox” for iPhone users. Downloading them to your phone […]
August 3, 2018
Ahh, eating out…is there anything better than someone else making your food? My love language is “when someone makes me food” and “physical touch” in that order. Eating out or ordering food is a “weakness” for a lot of us. Although, I don’t consider it a weakness at all if you do it right! There […]
March 8, 2018
*Google Search: How to Blog? March 11, 2017 – Bachelor Farmers Cafe 3 days after blog launch “20 websites, 3 cups of coffee, and 1 confused mind later. I still have no idea what I’m doing. Turns out blogging isn’t sitting at a coffee shop for hours at a time. Writing and taking photos of […]