April 24, 2018
Happy Monday!
The sun is shining and I couldn’t be happier! It’s insane how much my mood is dependent on the weather. I really need to learn how to change that if I plan to stay in MN. But maybe I’m not staying in MN?! OHH, cliffhanger.
With this sun shining, it’s just a clear reminder that summer is in fact coming. Like it or not for me, that means swimsuit season. I don’t know why but swimsuit season has already freaked me out. I used to miss out on so much in high school and college with friends because I was afraid of wearing a swimsuit in front of people. Even people I spent every day with who wouldn’t judge me, I still felt self-conscious. IDK WHY.
No, actually I do know why. Because of the awful lies that were floating in my head from the devil. Oh, and we can’t forget about all the pictures on social media, which is an entirely different topic for a different day. But in this coffee talk, I wanted to share some fitness tips for beginners to really make you feel confident about your health and fitness journey. Even if you’re not a beginner, these might be a nice reminder!
Having someone keep you accountable to make it to the gym or simply someone to tell your goals to, is an absolute game changer. When I started working out in college, I really didn’t share much of my problems or success with anyone. I only had myself to keep me going, and most of the time it was because I was “punishing” my body for overeating or drinking too much. When I met Jon, I had someone who supported me and I was excited to share my goals with him. He also held me accountable to make it to the gym and work harder. All of that made me more passionate about reaching my goals and sticking to them.
It doesn’t matter who it is, even if they don’t live near you, someone you can text when you workout is really important. Even finding a coach or a community (gym) to keep you going is so awesome. Something different about my gym, MPLS Fit Body Bootcamp is we keep our clients accountable and know them by name. If you can find that where you live, take advantage! It makes a world of a difference knowing you’re not alone.
Setting small goals that you can achieve almost instantly can really help you in having a positive outlook on fitness. Our minds like small wins, it makes us feel good. That’s why something like making your bed in the morning can make you feel so good and almost like the rest of your day is going to be amazing. Your goals could be as simple as doing push-ups on your toes during your workout, not drinking soda for a week, or drinking more water during your day!
Why are you working out? I have an entire post on this so I’ll link it down below because it’s really important to me. My reasoning for working out used to be to impress my then boyfriend because I never felt good enough. It was solely to change my body and fitness will never become a healthy lifestyle with that mindset.
Your body will naturally change when you start working out so there is nothing wrong with wanted to change your body but I try to not have that mindset because it can be very upsetting if your body doesn’t change how you think it should and in the time frame you had in mind.
My brother Dustin told me once that if you don’t have expectations you won’t be disappointed. That applies to my fitness journey. I have goals, not expectations. That’s too much pressure to put on myself.
What is the deeper meaning of working out? It could be to have more energy during the day or have the energy to play with your kids. It could be to feel confident in your clothes or to reduce anxiety. Whatever it is, write it down and remember that when you feel like giving up!
I know exactly what it’s like to feel intimidated in the gym. You feel like everyone there already knows what they’re doing and is judging you. They don’t and they’re not! But if you’re just starting and you want to feel comfortable, find an area in the gym that will be more private and grab what you need. Go to the gym and know beforehand what you’re working on that day so you are prepared and confident going in. Watch what others are doing for ideas, too! Even if you’re working out at home, have it in your schedule and text that accountability partner when you’re done.
Schedule what you’re working on for the week in advance so you feel ready. Here’s mine on a typical week.
Don’t limit yourself! Find out what works for you. A lot of gyms or group fitness classes will give you a free session or even a free week to try it out and see if you like it. Take advantage of that! I never thought pilates was for me but I love mixing it in during the week when I can. HIIT is my main workout style but I love mixing it up and confusing my muscles. It keeps each week fun and more of a lifestyle you can maintain forever.
Today you might feel good, and tomorrow you might not. And that’s ok! I wish I wouldn’t have been so hard on myself when I started my fitness journey. If I knew then it would be an up and down struggle, I wouldn’t have put so much pressure on myself. You have good days and bad days and that’s how it’ll be with health and fitness. You will workout and eat right one day and the next you might not workout and eat Taco Bell. That’s life and I promise you, it’s okay! You didn’t gain weight in a day, and it won’t leave in a day. It’s a lifestyle, my friend!
I hope this encouraged you to start and feel confident doing so! If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m always here! Have a great week.
Let me know your tips down below!
all my love,
Thanks a ton, that was a really really awesome post and exactly what I need rn! ????❤️ Xx
Aww! Thanks so much! I’m so glad it could help!