May 9, 2017
Adopting a healthy relationship with food can be one of the hardest things to master. Have you ever ate something and afterwards felt guilty? Or maybe you ate something you consider unhealthy and immediately tried to compensate with extra hours in the gym?
You are most definitely not alone. I used to always have food guilt and I thought I could eat anything I wanted with the intent to workout more later. Does that ever really work? Absolutely not, they aren’t lying when they say it’s 80% what you eat and 20% exercise. Anytime we do something we don’t enjoy or eat something unhealthy, we immediately associate it with being a painful or bad experience – leading to resentment. This is an ongoing and unhealthy cycle that can and should be broken.
Something we all have control of is what we put in our bodies. No one makes you consume anything, so stop beating yourself up for something you choose to have.
Eat With A Purpose & Listen To Your Body:
I don’t think it would be crazy to assume we’ve all eaten out of boredom. A lot of when we search the cupboards for food, it’s simply because we are bored and we’re looking to waste some time. Next time you find yourself in that position, drink some water and ask yourself if you’re really hungry. Eating with a purpose simply means you are listening to your body and giving it what it really needs to function and fuel the rest of your day.
You’re In Control:
It’s important to fit healthy eating and fitness into your life, not the other way around. Be in control of what you put into your body. At the end of the day, it’s a choice and a yes or no game.
Don’t Emotionally Eat:
Associating food with an emotional experience can often lead to choosing foods low in nutritional value and relating it with something sad. We eat food that tastes good as a way to “make us feel better”, when in reality your original and unrelated issue is still there and eating junk food will not fix the problem. To relieve stress, have a good workout, meditate, do yoga, pray, spend some time alone, go for a walk, spend time with friends, have a spa day, do anything that helps you feel better without turning to food.
Eat Intuitively & Mindfully:
Eating intuitively means you eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full. This is how I eat and the rule I follow. I haven’t counted a calorie a day in my life. When you stress over numbers and calories you start to associate certain foods with a number instead of nutritional value. Our bodies are designed perfectly for this because of our ability to tell us when it’s time to eat and when we’ve had enough. Be mindful of that, and listen to your body.
Everything In Moderation:
I’m a strong believer in balance and moderation. I believe that no food is off limits and everyone should enjoy their favorite treats. When I’m craving something I don’t immediately jump to eat it. I distract myself, I drink water, I take my mind off of it and if a couple days go by and I’m still craving it, I’ll have that treat and move back to my regular eating. We live in a world of reaction. My advice would be to stop and think about it for a minute. If you are craving it, don’t deprive yourself but remember to have your treats and cheat meals in moderation. You won’t gain weight from having one donut! So by moving on with your day after that donut, I promise you will be fine.
Don’t Keep Junk In the House:
If you don’t buy it, you won’t be as tempted. Out of sight, out of mind is very real. Do you ever come across one of your favorite snacks on TV or at the grocery store and think, “oh my gosh, I haven’t had this in forever!” And have you been surviving? You sure have! Now when you do have that treat again, it will be in fact, a treat.
Mix It Up:
Variety is so important to keep yourself from getting bored of the same foods over and over again. Add a variety of foods and snacks to your diet and prepare them different ways. The internet is full of recipes for your taking, or create something of your own!
Skip Eating In Front Of Technology:
When we eat in front of the TV, our computers, or phones we are distracted making it very easy to overeat because of mindlessly eating. Thus leading to a very uncomfortable and often bloated feeling. Enjoy your food, if you’re with your family or friends, try talking to each other instead!
Food Is NOT A prize:
I’m guilty of this sometimes – “I accomplished ____, so I deserve____!” I’m all about that champagne cheers and celebratory dinners but don’t use that as an excuse to binge eat or drink.
STEP 10.
I made a post specially about this (linked above) because it’s so important to remember. You are only human and you WILL slip up from time to time. You WILL eat more than you intended. You WILL bounce back and get a routine that works for you. So please, don’t be so hard on yourself.
I hear a lot that I’m “lucky” because I crave healthy foods. That’s not luck, buddy. I like sugar, and sodium just as much as the next person. I have disciplined and trained myself so many times to CHOOSE the healthier options and sooner or later it becomes a habit.
I hope you implement these steps if you feel like you need to adopt a healthier relationship with food. And if no one told you yet today, you’re pretty! BYE!
all my love,