March 15, 2017
You ever just look at Brussel Sprouts and walk away?
Yeah, same. I can’t say they’re the first veggie I turn to at the grocery store. I don’t know about you guys, but eating healthy shouldn’t be painful. My past experiences have been just that. Painful.
I need something to mask the actual flavor of Brussel Sprouts or I just won’t eat them at all. I know I’m not the only one.
I wanted to have a veggie side dish that was quick and tasty. Something that could get Jon to eat more greens, (and admittedly myself, too).
My mom came to visit me in Minneapolis one weekend and not only is shopping a must but so is Whole Foods. That place is magical and I live down the street from it. Imagine the joy on a healthy mama’s face when entering Whole Foods.
It was as pure as joy comes.
We came across Cherry Wood Balsamic Vinaigrette
Which I also found on Amazon ^ if you aren’t near a Whole Foods.
It started as an amazing salad dressing, and it still is! But when Jon came home with Brussel Sprouts in his hand, and I looked at him like he brought road kill into the house, I thought,
‘Kaitlyn, it’s time to wife up.’
So I grabbed the first ingredients I could think of,
and my beloved Cherry Wood Balsamic
From that day forward, I’ve been addicted to Brussel Sprouts.
Yes, you read that right – addicted. I’m not kidding when I say I eat these with my fingers straight from the pan. THE PAN!!!!!
I can’t decide if marriage or Cherry Wood Balsamic has changed me, but i’m thankful for both.
Adding onion as a co-captain to this dish is really what sets it aside from any ordinary Brussel Sprouts. I would love if you guys tried this out and became equally addicted.
An addiction we can boast about!!!
If anything comes from this, I want it to be RBBS:
(also great with broccoli)
The onions are almost better than the brussel sprouts but together they just form this party of flavor in your mouth. They have texture without being crunchy. It all caramelizes together and makes for an amazing side dish or snack!
Jon is now bringing home brussels every other day. They’re even better left over! Eating healthy does not and should not be tasteless and boring. It’s really actually the opposite. It forces you to be creative and you should never sacrifice taste! Enjoy these amazing brussels.
RBBS, friends!!
Let me know if you to try these, please!
My mouth is now watering, I’m off to eat the left overs! Enjoy!
all my love,
p.s. Look how cute that oven mitt is that my best friend, Becca made for me! What a stud.
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