August 11, 2017
I’m so glad you’re here! I want to share what a balanced lifestyle means to me. It’s more than just having a green juice in one hand and a donut in the other.
A balanced lifestyle is something you work at every day. It’s not something that just happens and every day after is easier because of it. Negative thoughts WILL come to your mind, but it’s how you react that will then change your life. I know that in an instant I can change my energy and my thoughts. I can turn anything negative into something positive before I let it destroy me.
Finding balance starts from a place of being truly happy with yourself and where you are. Constantly judging yourself is the fastest way in the wrong direction.
I treated my body poorly in the sense that I deprived it of food and love. Loving yourself is more than saying, “I love myself.” If it were that easy, we would all be so much nicer to ourselves. It’s exercising, nourishing, self-care, and words of affirmation.
When I come to think of why I was so hard on myself it’s because of one thing.
adjective // feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages
or as I like to call it:
the devil // life ruiner, fun sucker, root to all evil. the act of hating someone you don’t even know
I started to compare myself to every girl I saw. If I believed they had one feature better than me I beat myself up. That is no way to live, my friend.
When I found myself in a place of peace and balance, it was because I stopped comparing my life to others around me. When I feel myself thinking negatively, I immediately turn to thanking Jesus for all I have and all I am. It’s impossible to be negative and jealous when you truly think about all you have.
That’s what Fit Freedom means to me, it means freeing yourself from the comparisons, the jealousy, the expectations, living freely. Living exactly how you want.
Ultimately what we put in our bodies is a choice. It is your CHOICE every day to eat how you want. No one can take that decision away from you. When I wanted to change and live healthier, I surrounded myself with people who were in the same boat, who were looking to change, who have changed and are living proof that change is possible! I was inspired and motivated to love myself and take control of my life.
As we’re trying to lose weight, be healthier, or heaven forbid change because we want to be liked by someone (gag) we think we’re missing out on so much. Trust me, you’re not. In fact, you don’t have to! Balance all that you do, and remember that too much of anything is no Bueno. So pick and choose your battles because no one can make you do anything, and no one can hold you accountable like you can. If you aren’t ready to change, you simply won’t. And when you’re disappointed because the scale isn’t moving, (another topic for another day) stop feeling sorry for yourself. You will live an abundantly better life when you make the conscious effort to live healthier for overall well being and not just your image.
Can we all please repeat after me, “for my health, not for my image.”
Once you start living with this in mind, that’s when it becomes a lifestyle, it’s all your choice. You feel better and your body follows. You never want to go back. It starts with loving yourself no matter what part of life you’re in. Deleting that fitness model on the background of your phone, unfollowing that Instagram account that does not benefit you, but instead brings comparison, judgment, negativity, hateful words to yourself and unrealistic expectations.
Your time here is so sweet and precious, find your balance, be healthy and active. Your body will LOVE you for it.
And I love you, too!
all my love,
SOOOOOOO good!! Every girl should read this! Thank you for your well spoken perspective and encouragement 🙂
I’m so glad you liked it, thank you!!!! And I agree, a message every girl should hear 🙂
This is amazing, exactly what I needed! Thanks Kaitlyn you are an inspiration 🙂
I’m so glad to hear that!!! Thank you so much, Anna!!
:)) Thanks for reading!
love you!