May 25, 2017
I can sense your confusion. Kombucha + Vodka? Has she gone off her rocker?
I have a simple and easy cocktail just in time for the weekend.
Kombucha is a fermented probiotic drink. Containing green or black tea with a culture of yeast and bacteria, promoting good gut health.
When I think of cocktails I think Sprite, Coke, Cranberry Juice, etc. What all of these drinks contain is SUGAR. So much sugar.
Sugar is not your friend, so I’m mixing it up with some kombucha – naturally sweet, carbonated and tart, depending on which kombucha you use. In this recipe, I use the brand Synergy and the flavors I use are Gingerberry and Gingerade. I would recommend the Gingerberry to start, or mix it up with your favorite kind!
I only recommend one or two of this particular drink just because kombucha is known to help with digestion and too much can lead to discomfort, especially if you’re not used to it. One bottle of Synergy kombucha is enough for 2-3 drinks which is appropriate.
I like to add citrus and fresh fruit to mine. If you try this out, let me know what kombucha you use!
(if you don’t like kombucha, you probably won’t like this :))
TIPS: I add a little more than 1/2 lime juice just because I love the lime flavor but 1/2 lime is a starting point because not everyone is as extra as me.
I hope you enjoy this healthy alternative to a traditional mixed drink!
all my love,
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