March 8, 2017
Energy! The more we have, the more we want.
What do you rely on to give you energy?
Coffee? Tea? Energy Drinks? Pre- Workout?
Whatever that may be for you, let me share my number one energy source – the natural way.
I don’t think a lot of people have fully understood how beneficial fresh juice is yet. Some people drink it because they feel like they should. Some force themselves to. While others genuinely enjoy it and know its purpose.
Because yes, you should eat and drink with a purpose.
Everything we put into our bodies should serve a purpose. To hydrate, to replenish, to restore, to protect, to detoxify, to fuel.
Food = Fuel
When It comes to energy, I love my coffee. And I will always have my coffee. But there are some parts of the day where I need something fresh, something to give me the energy and fuel that coffee does not. So I’m going to share with you my favorite green juice that does just that.
I have green juice 3-4 times a week. I sometimes have it with breakfast or lunch. I’ve been loving having it an hour or two before my workout.
If you try this out let me know!
all my love,
Woman, what juicer do you recommend buying? Please post more juicing/smoothie recipes!
Will do! I have plenty to share. 🙂 I would recommend a Breville! Good price for what you get.